Why The Long Silence?




Today is a Thursday. We are still waiting for our dossier to be out of translation. It was scheduled to be finished on Sept. 8th, then moved to the 25, and now it’s October! It still has not arrived at the agency’s office, so we wait… When they receive the translated dossier, they will send it off to be authenticated (takes about a week). Once it is authenticated, THEN it will be sent to Haiti! We know the LORD is in control of ALL things, this is no different! We rejoice while we wait knowing that God “makes all things beautiful in his time.” – Ecc. 3:11.

You may have caught the title of this post. I’ll repeat it here, Why The Long Silence?

Since my last post on our adoption fundraiser, the Lord has opened my eyes to focus on two things that I have heavily influenced my momentary silence at MavisDavis.

The first is our family. Our adoption has been a huge area of growth in my life. I had no expectations going into this process, other than getting a little boy in my arms ASAP (as is still the goal). But on this journey, the Lord has been pressing on my heart to place emphasis on the 3 little people I have in my arms already.

Folding another child into our home will be a challenge and a blessing, but I do not want to build unrealistic expectations of what our life will be like when the Lord adds a new child to our family. I want the Lord to change my heart in this season, so that I will be able to respond to our new son in the next season! I am convinced that the Lord is using this process of adoption to make Spencer and I more like Jesus and better parents, not only for a new son, but also for the 3 children we have now.

I am realizing how important it is to invest in the ongoing bonding/attachment with Alani, Knox and Jed. This realization has been a huge encouragement in my mothering AND a step forward in sanctification! Our family prays for our new son all the time! Sometimes hearing how my children pray for him gets me super emotional. Waiting and being still is hard, but I am capable to enjoy “the waiting,” when I focus on the people I am able to hold in my arms right now!


So much of my activity the past few months has been dedicated to home school, soccer, adventures, camp outs, feeding large groups of single folks (OLD SCHOOLERS), Bible studies, bonfires, making meals and telling Jed to stop growing up! (He’s bigger than Knox, now!) Please pray for our family in this busy season if the Lord brings us to your mind.

The second reason for the silence has to do with another new adventure.

Lots of you friends have been encouraged by MavisDavis and I’m thankful that the Lord has used my experiences, topics and thoughts to encourage you as my sisters in Christ. I started this blog 5 years ago thinking that my girls would not know how to be a wife and a mom unless I documented all that I did. I know many of you have supported my writing for years, so let’s be honest… for you folks who know me well, my heart is fit for discipleship – not necessarily “mommy blogging.” There are so many great women who do that well! I learn from them, I need that from THEM. However, the Lord has been drawing me into His PLANS for my writing and I am ready to be obedient.

I’ve started a new blog! It’s calledDRAWNBYGRACE.com! I write about singleness, relationships, Biblical community, serving the Body of Christ and inspire younger women to pursue Jesus well! {I’m 36 so that’s a broad demographic.}

I announced the name of my new blog on Monday, and it has really taken off.  I plan to do an official launch in a few weeks with giveaways, free downloads, and other fun stuff! I’ll be sure to post an announcement here when I get the details worked out!

DRAWN BY GRACE offers a fresh perspective on the pursuit of Christ for the single gal. The posts are strategic, organized and focused on community, unity, and growing in Christ as he draws us to himself by his grace! It features all sorts of my artwork and free original artwork each month, (if you sign up for my monthly newsletter, link here).

As I dive into this new adventure, I am not abandoning MavisDavis! No, ma’am! Many of you enjoy updates of our family and lots of people come here for news about our adoption. I will still share the updates on our adoption both here, and our facebook page! So, relax, I’m not officially shutting down MavisDavis, but as I follow Jesus on this new adventure, pray that I am wise and obedient to whatever the Lord shows ME to do!

This is your invite to check out the new blog! If you want to receive my monthly newsletter or read a few sample posts from the new blog, DRAWNBYGRACE.com, please stop by! Leave some encouraging comments and share it with #allthesingleladies!

You all are the best and I’m so thankful to have your support!

Fist pump it!



The less than 24 hour period when Jed, age 3, wrote his name for the first time, rode a bike with out training wheels, and hit the practice target on his first time shooting his bow!!! – STOP THE WORLD’S TURNING!!! JED NEEDS TO QUIT GROWING UP!!




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